Wednesday, October 6, 2010


THEY fired the first shots. THEY told the first lie. THEY tried o' so hard to kill me these past eighteen years, but I am here...

Live on CSPN, in 1993, Bill told the world that I think I am God. After nearly two decades, I still do not have a good answer. Yes, I had a mild messianic complex, brought about by complex etchings on my slate of life, and it mixed me up a bit. That is old news. The new news is that, as my Dear Mother said, "It's just a phase. He'll grow out of it." I did grow out of it.

Then, after years of searching, I found nine documents that tell a staggering story of murder and mayhem. Forget who I am. The stories I have written for the good of the world far outshine any nanny's tales of a drunken, stupid youth on the edge of existence. I am no longer young, drunk or stupid.

JESUS/ALEXANDER & JFK, RFK AND THE REV. DR. MLKING SOLVED! (will be out in Spring, 2011)

Help me with my work with a small donation to;
Gary Reginald Dodge, 141 Leland Avenue, Leland House, San Francisco, California, 94134-2849